I saw this on
someone else's blog, and I liked it is so much I wanted to do it.
Where is your cell phone?: on the table
Husband?: he's my complement
Hair?: needs a cut
Your mother?: constant, strong, giving
Your father?: likes to work
Your favorite item?: Media Center Extender
Your dream last night?: many random people
Your favorite drink?: Diet Dr Pepper
The room you are in?: office/scrapping empire
Your fear?: letting family down
What do you want to be in 10 years?: an improved me
Who did you hang out with last night?: Locklars in Atlanta
What are you not?: make up wearer
One of your wish list items?: remodeled kitchen area
What time is it?: just after 8
The last thing you did?: answered silly question
What are you wearing?: comfy walking clothes
The last thing you ate?: yummy Quizno's salad
Your life?: better than imagined
Your mood?: tired yet thankful
Your friends?: they're like family
What are you thinking about right now?: too much pressure ...
Your dream car?: dark blue Trailblazer
What are you doing at this moment?: shortening my thoughts
Your relationship status?: Hill turned Taylor
What is on your TV screen?: recorded The Bachelor
Last time you cried?: it's been awhile
School?: Murray State University
Either post a link to your blog with your answers or copy and paste this into a comment. Come on, be creative ... just for a few minutes. Then you can get back to important things.