The following list of resources is compiled from my own experience as well as recommendations from friends who have adopted or care about adoption. Admittedly, I haven't read them all, but all the titles are linked to Amazon, so you can learn more about them. If you make a purchase through my link, I'll earn a very small credit that doesn't change the price for you but helps support this blog.
Children's Books
A Mother for Choco" by Keiko Kasza :: For ages 2-6 years old, this book is about a bird who learns physical similarities aren't required for family.
A Sister for Matthew" by Pamela Kennedy :: For children of ages 3-5, this story is about Matthew getting a baby sister from China. In this comforting story, Matthew learns that his parents will always love him very much. And he also learns that a child need not look like her family to be a part of the family.

Audrey Bunny" by Angie Smith :: In this sweet story, Caroline picks out a stuffed animal bunny with a mark over its heart as her toy of choice from a barrel of many. The themes of being chosen and being made uniquely by God are perfect to read to an adopted child or any child really. The book isn't necessarily an adoption book, but, you know, it's really is because it's about God's creation. {
Read my review here.}
I Love You Like Crazy Cakes" by Rose A. Lewis :: Multiple friends recommended this one that's suggested for kids 3-6 years old. It's story of a woman who travels to China to adopt a baby girl, based on the author's own experiences, is a celebration of the love and joy a baby brings into the home.
I Wished for You" by Marianne Richmond :: Recommended by
Mary, this book follows a conversation between a little bear named Barley and his Mama as they curl up in their favorite cuddle spot and talk about how they became a family. Barley asks Mama the kinds of questions many adopted children have, and Mama lovingly answers them all.
Little Miss Spider" by David Kirk :: A book-loving friend recommended this one, which is familiar to me. I know Miss Spider, but I'd never read this one. It's a sweet story of adoption for elementary-aged kids. When Miss Spider hatches, her mother is nowhere to be found, but Betty the Bettle fulfills that role.
Rosie's Family" by Lori Rosove :: This is a book
Mary recommended about belonging in a family regardless of differences. Rosie is a beagle who was adopted by schnauzers. She feels different from the rest of her family, including her brother, who is the biological child of her parents, and sets forth many questions that children who were adopted may have.
Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born" by Jamie Lee Curtis :: We got this book as a gift when Cate was born and we've read it many times since. While the details don't line up with our adoptions specifically, this book aimed at kids 4-8 years old is good reminder that children cherish their stories. We believe in telling our children our stories and will continue to reveal more details as they grow up because we don't want their adoptions to be mysteries to them.
Ten Days and Nine Nights" by Yumi Heo :: Another book for elementary-aged kids, this story follows a little girl as she and her family prepare for the new baby that will soon be joining them. This one seems ideal for older children who are about to become big sisters and brothers.
You Were Always in My Heart" by Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman :: I won this in a giveaway on another blog and it's been a good one for my daughter, who is 6. The Chapmans are advocates of adoption and I'm glad they penned some encouraging words about the subject.
Infertility & Adoption Stories
"Bringing Home the Missing Linck: A Journey of Faith to Family" by Jennifer Jackson Linck :: Jennifer was part of my adoption series earlier this month with her post about her son's birth mother. I'm looking forward to reading this book!
"The Eye of Adoption" by Jody Cantrell Dyer :: I saw the author tweet that her book was free for the Kindle, so I downloaded it. She addresses infertility and adoption with a tell-like-it-is voice she hopes connects others with her story.
Infertility: A Survival Guide for Couples and Those Who Love Them” by Cindy Lewis Drake :: This is the book that inspired me to set some boundaries while seeing a fertility specialist. And those boundaries are what nudged us toward adoption.
"Love in the Driest Seasons: A Family Memoir" by Neely Tucker :: I'm adding this one to my own to-read list. After witnessing the devastating consequences of AIDS and economic disaster on Zimbabwe's children, this couple started volunteering at an orphanage where a critically ill infant, abandoned in a field on the day she was born, was trusted to their care. Their decision to adopt her challenged an unspoken social norm: that foreigners should never adopt Zimbabwean children. Against a background of war, terrorism, disease, and unbearable uncertainty about the future, this story emerges as an inspiring testament to the miracles that love and determination can sometimes achieve.
"No Maybe Baby" by Marcy Hanson :: Marcy has been doing an adoption series on her blog this month too. This is her book that takes readers through seasons of infertility, foster care and adoption.
"Our Road to Family: An Adoption Story" by Kristen Nicole :: Kristen also was part the adoption series with her post about how she was led down a path to domestic adoption - twice! I have the PDF version of this book, just waiting my attention.
Children of God" by Third Day :: I really like this song and
the video is really great too. The lyrics are based on
words from Ephesians that speak to our heavenly adoption.
I'm Adopted" by Slugs & Bugs :: Thanks to Randall Goodgame for summing up the gospel in one children's song that adults {well, this adult, for sure ...} also love. Plus the song is like a celebration of adoption, a process that isn't always easy but always worth it. You can
hear it and read about it here. And you can
buy it for 99 cents. Totally worth it, people. Oh and it's on
YouTube too.
Wanted" by Dara Maclean :: This song
inspired the theme of this month's adoption series.
Before You Were Mine: Discovering Your Adopted Child's Lifestory" by Susan Tebos and Carissa Woodwyk :: This is an excellent resources that asks questions of adoptive parents so they can compile thorough information of their child's story, which truly begins at conception and not adoption. {I talked about this book
in my earlier post about documenting stories.}
The Connected Child: Bring Hope and Healing to Your Adoptive Family" by Karyn Purvis, David Cross and Wendy Sunshine :: Recommended by a friend who has adopted internationally, this book is written by psychologists who specialize in adoption and attachment and want to help readers build bonds with adopted children, deal with learning or behavioral disorders, and discipline adopted children with love without making them feel threatened.
My Family, My Journey" by Zoe Francesca :: This is a baby book to document milestones aimed at adoptive families. This one was recommended to me by
Melaine Dale, but it sure seems like something I'd love.
Are there other adoption-related books or resources you'd add?
This is the 13th in this month's adoption series. You can read all the posts here. Want more stories? Like 152 Insights on Facebook. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram. Follow 152 Insights at Bloglovin'. Subscribe to receive "Insights in Your Inbox." Many Amazon affiliate links are included.