Cate watching the sun set behind Lake Barkley.
I've taught my daughter to enjoy you, Summer. She likes be in and around the water, just like me. Her confidence has grown from needing/wanting a noodle to free her to kick around the pool to kicking around the pool toward a noodle. See, look at the freedom and confidence you've prompted ...
But, you know, we're going on a second vacation before you leave us. It's far, far away, so far, in fact, that you won't be there. We'll meet your friend Winter on the other side of the globe. When we return, I think we'll still feel you, Summer, but Fall will be coming, bringing football and corn mazes. And I'm OK with that, even though I'll be anxiously awaiting your return long before you're ready to come back.
Just know, dear Summer, you're special to me. And now to Cate.
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