Thursday, August 22, 2013

{#TellHisStory} Adopting community

I believe in community. And, truthfully, I need people.

This adoption process has been the most emotional one yet. And it's barely going. I don't even really want to call it a process because that seems to imply it's going somewhere. The last couple weeks have included emotional ups and downs as we try to take steps toward growing our family.

See those three sweet faces above? It's them and their parents who have gotten me through. It's my friend who is recovering from major surgery yet praying for me. It's our families who ask what we need them to do. It's the real conversations and hard questions.

Community has sustained me.

We aren't sure what our next step will be after meeting some road blocks on the path we were on. I've learned much and thought about questions nobody has ever posed to me before.

Our first two adoptions are seeming so easy and simple. It's never gone unnoticed that the Creator of the universe orchestrated bringing Cate and Ben into our family. Their stories are my favorite chapters in our story and I'll gladly tell them again and again. I've sensed for quite some time that God is doing something different with this one.

I don't know what that something is. I don't know if we'll bring home a 14-month-old boy or another newborn baby. I'm not even sure whether we'll use an agency or proceed with a third independent adoption.

But I do know God is already changing my heart through this process that is barely a functioning process at this point.

And I do know God has surrounded me with people who pray. And show up with muffins and Diet Dr Pepper on a morning I had cried my eyes out and not eaten breakfast yet. And text scriptures to me.

We are hoping to expand our family through adoption. But, truth is, we hope to bring a child into our community that truly knows how to love.

I'm linking this up with Jennifer Dukes Lee and other storyteller for #TellHisStory. {Read all sorts of past adoption posts here.}

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  1. Kristin, I always love how you share your heart. It's a joy to read how you have a community that is supporting you and sustaining you through this process. It never ceases to amaze me how God has used something I was once so afraid of to heal me in so many ways. What I love most about this post is your trust in God. Warms my heart. I will pray for you my friend. Thank you for sharing. {hugs}

  2. I agree with Beth love how you share your heart and you are so inspiring, while helping those that may be going through the same thing. Thinking and praying for y'all!

  3. KristinHillTaylor8/22/2013 8:49 PM

    Thank you, friend!

  4. KristinHillTaylor8/22/2013 8:49 PM

    Thank you, Beth. I'd be lost without these people. I'm thankful for your prayers.

  5. Hiya - found you thru Out of the Blue. We just completed our first adoption. Precious baby girl - Maia. Fostered several years ago. Have one bio little guy - Isaac - age almost 3. Anyway - just wanted to say hi... Saying a prayer right now that God's grace for this season would just cover you guys and overwhelm your hearts even now. Blessings and peace to y'all!!

  6. KristinHillTaylor8/22/2013 9:54 PM

    Thank you, Dana! I'm glad you stopped by. Congratulations on adopting Maia!

  7. I would soooo bring you a muffin and Diet Dr. Pepper. :) And we'd sit and eat and laugh and cry together, my friend. Love to you.

  8. KristinHillTaylor8/23/2013 2:56 PM

    Thanks, Jennifer. We need to find a way to make that in-person conversation happen!
