Tuesday, January 8, 2013

{God-sized Dreams} The Dreams

I've written some abstract posts about dreaming as my mind and heart sorted through the ideas and thoughts. Consider this my attempt to outline those dreams. Holley Gerth's words of prompting and encouragement, for which I'm thankful in this new year, have inspired this process.

The Mission 
I believe God has created and called me to communicate stories from my own life and others' lives for families to know God as the author and creator of every detail through writing, promoting and serving. 

Do you have a mission statement? If not, here is an awesome, practical guide.

The Dreams
  1. Pursue publishing a non-fiction motherhood book I've been writing.
  2. Continue praying God would lead us to a birthmom for our third adoption. 
  3. Build an on-the-side freelance business.
God-sized dreams aren't about size. They're about trusting God as you follow him in what he has for you to do. What do you sense God calling you to do this year?

"(God) gave us the ability to take action because he wants us to freely move forward rather than him forcing our steps. ... God can handle the big. When you start out, it's okay for your part to simply be the small." 
{Holley Gerth  in The "Do What You Can" Plan}

The Next Steps {The Book}
I've taken some steps already. My four best everyday friends have a copies of my rough draft. My friend of 22 years and my mom have their copies too. Three professional journalists -- a dear friend I made as I was leaving the newsroom and she was coming in, the columnist who mentored me just as I was choosing my college and career path, and my hardest yet favorite professor -- have my words in their hands too. And a stranger I connected with through Holley Gerth's Dream Team has it in her inbox.

Sure, I want them to edit it for grammar and sentence structure, but I also want to know what they think about the format and concept. Does it work? And where do I go from here? Do I need more? Should I research self-publishing? Once I start hearing back from them, I'll go from there and see where it takes me.

The Next Steps {Adoption}
We have our home study updated, although it's not going to be valid that much longer. Thankfully, updating it again isn't a big deal. We believe God wants us to expand our family with a third adoption. We have no idea how or when. So we're waiting.

Meanwhile, we'll continue telling people our story, which includes the hope of meeting a birth mom. This is one of those dreams is totally out of my control.

The Next Steps {For Hire}
Most of what I've done promotions wise has been volunteer at this point. Since quitting my job as a newspaper reporter, I've helped a state senate candidate I believed in, written press releases for a local political party and the private school my daughter attends that I hope expands, begun and continued managing and promoting our two vacation rental lake houses, helped friends promote some events, organized three concerts {Shaun Groves and Slugs & Bugs ... twice}, designed wedding programs for relatives and invitations for birthday parties, bridal showers and baby showers for myself and friends, and planned numerous birthday parties and events.

I'd like to channel some of that experience into an on-the-side freelance business that I've named KHT Promotions. I have self-taught graphic design, photography and scrapbooking skills I can incorporate. I love to use social media. Honestly, I'm not sure what the next steps are, but I'm guessing they'll involve promoting my promotions company. I do have a Facebook page that I'll need to be more active on.

But, until then, I leave you with this:
"... Goals aren't ultimatums; they are simply directions. We are in charge of them -- they're not in charge of us. Goals can be changed, adjusted, or dismissed any time. ... Pursing a goal gets us moving, but it's still God who determines our ultimate destination." 
{Holley Gerth in The "Do What You Can" Plan}

Read more about God-sized dreams at Holley Gerth's blog. Want more? Subscribe to get "Insights" in your inbox. Or follow me on Twitter.


  1. Cheering you on every step of the way, Kristen! I am so honored to be on this journey with you and believe that we are in for BIG things in 2013. XXOO

  2. You go girl ... I love the way you mapped it all out ... we have several skills in common and I also love that!

  3. You've got some amazing dreams! I'm excited to watch them unfold as you pursue them!!

  4. Praying for all these amazing things going on for you!! So glad we have connected and can't wait to meet you in the live. You are a very inspiring person!! Oh and we used the Mad Libs style to do mom missions in a mom's Bible study group, it was awesome!! I am have Holly's book, just now need to find time to read it.

  5. Praying for those next steps! I'm inspired by your clarity and vision. Keep pushing and pursuing! Can't wait to see what doors open.

  6. Great job here! I love how clearly you've laid out your plans and how you're "going for it" not just in your writing, but also in starting a new business. Congrats on sharing and pursuing your own God-sized dream.

  7. inspiring reaidng your dreams.. excited for you as you persue them!
