Saturday, September 1, 2012

She makes books.

Recently, Cate was talking about how she was answering questions in her journal at school. Details are sketchy, but I believe it involved marking "yes" or "no" to specific questions. One of them was apparently: "Do you have a favorite book?"

Cate said she answered "No."
Knowing my girl who pretty much has her favorites memorized, I was surprised. "You don't have a favorite book?"

No hesitation from Cate: "I don't have a favorite book. I like all the books."
Ah. Quite literal my first-born child. And, hey, props to her for understanding singular and plural in this context. 

Actually, she not only likes books, but she wants to "make books." Seriously, that's my girl! Last week she started making two books. She got the pictures drawn for one about a butterfly named Hailey and some words written. It should be noted the pages turn from right to left and words go from bottom to top on the pages. 
It's a work in progress, but never wanting to waste time, she has the idea for her second book. And while I have no idea what it is, I'm confident she has it planned out. Because, really, who wants to settle for one book?

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