Friday, August 17, 2012

Connecting at the table

This post is inspired by Jill Savage's "Third Thursday Blog Hop," which asked the question: How do you connect as a family? Yes, I know it's Friday. But, you know, better late than never.

I gave this sign of "rules" to Greg for our first-date anniversary earlier this year. I wanted to celebrate the process that began when he asked me out for ice cream 14 years ago and has continued into parenthood. Some seasons have been hard. Others have been downright ugly. But so many have been sweet and plenty have been adventurous.

Greg and I jumped off a bridge together. It was exciting and daring and a one-in-a-lifetime kind of thing. It's one of the big moments woven together with the smaller moments that make our life.

More days than not are ordinary. He goes to work. I change diapers and full with milk and juice. I drive kids to school and grocery shop. I meet friends at the park. He goes to meetings because he believes in serving our church and community. We have friends over for dinner and play Settlers of Catan.

And one of my favorite constants is the four of us having dinner together. Thus "SIT DOWN for DINNER" on our family rules.

Oh, you thought that was a reminder to my 2 1/2-year-old son who likes to kneel and constantly move around in his chair during any meal, creating scattered crumbs like a trail of where he has been? Well, yes, that too. 

But the bigger picture is we believe our family is and will be stronger because we prioritize each other and the meals we share. I've decided cooking isn't so bad the past few years, but these meals aren't even about the food. They are about the time and conversations. We tell Daddy about our day, and he tells some about his. But, truthfully, seeing a worm crawling at the park and the first week of kindergarten make for better conversations than home closings and small business incorporation.

While talking about the ordinary moments we've stay bonded even when we our ankles aren't tied together so we can safely jump off a bridge. This bond helps us {usually} stay united while we make spiritual, financial and parenting decisions that may challenge us. And it helps us enjoy each other.

Even with cornbread crumbs scattered across the floor and constant reminders to sit down until everyone is done, being around the table helps us connect in a world that is full of busy schedules and temptations to keep moving along at a pace that will eventually pull us apart. So, yes, we sit down for dinner. We walk away filled, and not just from food.

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  1. I saw the name of your blog on the Compassion Bloggers site and just had to come over. I love that movie, and after reading your about page and several posts, I'm sure that's not the only thing we have in common. You have a great blog, and I'm glad I stumbled across it and you! :)

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you stumbled on mine because now I've stumbled on yours too. :)

  2. Hopping over from the Hearts at Home blog, and wanted to say I appreciate your insights about family dinner. We feel they are important, too - and we have two little boys who can hardly sit through them. (So sometimes our five-year-old stands! lol) Have a blessed week!

    1. Thanks for visiting and for the encouragement! Boys sure do like to be on the move. :)
