Sunday, June 3, 2012

Gathering dreams on the porch

A view from the porch in April 2012.

Written yesterday while sittin' on the porch by the bay, dreamin' ... 

I could sit on this dock all day. With a book. With a Diet Dr Pepper. Alone. With friends. With a plate of food. Resting. With eyes wide open.

Sometime in the latter half of our almost 10 years of marriage, I fell in love with Kentucky Lake. And I've since dreamed of having a lake house. I like to be near the lake, on the lake in a boat, or in the lake, especially after I've fallen off the tube attached to the jet ski.

Perhaps you could say having a lake house is a dream come true. You'd be right. It is. And there is much peace here, especially on this porch.

We had our first renters last week. Yes, they are friends, but they also were are guinea pig renters. I loved knowing we helped somebody we care about have a relaxing vacation. And I'm excited we have people we don't know signed up to stay here too.

I want people to gather here.

Today a friend surprised his wife with a delayed birthday party on the lake. They brought some friends and family. And we gathered. Here.

And now I'm thinking about dreams. I have other dreams, things I think I could do, things I want to do. They all seem doable when I sit on this porch and think about them.

Even my dreams gather here.

If you're near Kentucky Lake, or want to be near, very near, Kentucky Lake, perhaps you should gather here too. Here's to hoping you'll have sweet dreams and plenty of time to sit on this porch while you're here.

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  1. There isn't anything about this I didn't love. And I look forward to dreaming on your porch. Maybe I can be your author-renter who needs a lake house for inspiration. :)

  2. @Life as I know itYes! You'll need to come back and sit with me!
