Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Embracing this day

I'm glad to welcome Alecia Simersky to the blog today as we continue talking about embracing change this summer. Alecia and I connected through the God-sized Dream Team when we helped with Holley Gerth's book launch. She has since become of the executive editor of the God-sized Dream website for which I'm a contributing writer. 

Oh, how I’ve enjoyed reading the previous guest posts Kristin has welcome to her site this summer on change. Like many of them, I don’t enjoy change. When change comes a knocking on the door of life I go into full resistance mode. I’m always telling myself, “Alecia, put on your big-girl panties and move on!”

I’m in a season of change. And change is not something I do well. I’m more comfortable with sameness – I like routine, I like to know what to expect.

Years ago, when my son began kindergarten, I felt devastated inside. I knew once he started school the years were going to fly right on by, just like they had with my oldest daughter who was four years older than him.

I cried a little everyday leading up to his big day. And when the time came to get up and prepare my son for his first day of school, in the early morning hour of my quiet time, God laid one simple verse on my heart. “This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

I stood at my front door and watched both kids hop onto the school bus with my eyes misted over with tears and repeated the words, “This is the day the Lord has made…” over and over.

As a family we have moved eight times. (You would think I was accustomed to change with our life!) However, each move pushed me out of my comfort zone and I was forced to make a new home among strangers.

My faith grew and stretched with each new transition. {Tweet that.}

God went before me and more than provided and answered prayers. He brought new friends for the kids and myself. With new church homes and Bible study groups, my social circle grew along with my faith and assuredness of His goodness.

Change has forced me to accept …

I can’t keep my kids little – though I’d LOVE to!

I can’t halt mother time from making me older or my normally dark hair from becoming gray! (I wish!)

And I haven’t been able to stop the moves, though I have fought, cried, and prayed against each one.

I had to come to a place in my heart to accept change as the way of life. {Tweet that.}

Once again, I’m finding myself in a new season of change. (We aren’t moving!) The days keep pressing forward and next year my daughter heads to the high school to finish her last three years of school (hold me). My son officially puts his elementary years behind him and moves up to the middle school. Sigh. And, I’m looking for full-time work outside the home for the first time in 14 years.

This is A LOT of change! I want to hold my babies tight and forbid them from getting older. I want to snap my fingers and grow a beautiful lush green money tree in my back yard that magically makes finances less stressful. Because, unfortunately, the type of writing I do doesn’t help pay the bills.

I’m stepping forward into our new season of life with excitement and trepidation. Yes, life changes and new seasons of life bring new adventures, and God simply reminds me each day, “This is the day I have made, so rejoice in it and be glad.”

Alecia Simersky is wife to Trey and mom to Keeli and Jackson. She likens her life to that of a gypsy since they have moved eight times in 15 years. They now live in a place she lovingly refers to as God’s-country, Auburn, Alabama. She is quiet by nature, introverted, quirky, and fiercely loyal. In her free time she loves to write and does so at her personal blog and is the executive editor of the God-Sized Dreams website. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Alecia mentioned the other summertime change posts. Well, you can read them here: Susan Shipe shared about summertime fun. Melody Hester offered advice for navigating new seasons. Tiffany Parry shared about the joy that comes with freedomYou can also download The Summer Not-To-Do List I made for you, if you haven't already. 

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