Saturday, January 4, 2014

Diving into real life

I have all these blog post ideas in my head. Some are even drafted on my phone. {Hello productivity while driving to and from Texas!} I want to tell you about Christmas and our trip to meet my new nephew in Texas. We have new favorite music around here I want to share with you.

But we dived right back into life right after the holidays.

Some of us more literally than others. Along with another almost-relative, my kids and husband went swimming on New Year's Day. Really. It was 45 degrees outside. The pool was heated to 84 degrees.

Admittedly, I still thought it would last 5 minutes. Surprisingly, they swam for about eight times longer than that. And now they can say they did.


Since then, which, yes, I know, was only a few days, life has happened. Not in a bad way, just like it does sometimes.

Ben has been having recurring ear infections, bloody noses, and much congestion for the past several months and, really, his whole little life. Our pediatrician and I decided to have him allergy tested. That happened Thursday, the same day Cate went back to school.

Turns out he's allergic to trees, weeds, grass, and dust mites.

Yeah, really. 

I can't really keep him away from most of these things. Have you met my boy who loves to play outside? Yeah, well, then you get it. So he's going to start allergy shots in a few weeks. Honestly, I'm glad to have an answer and hopefully some coming relief for him.

Speaking of relief, I'm not sure when I'll ever finish my laundry. I folded four loads last night when Greg and I started watching Dexter again. {Thanks, Netflix, for having it. We've got two seasons to go!} And those four loads weren't the end.

Oh and there is the matter of the suitcase that has been laying open on our floor since we came home from Texas on Tuesday night. Yes, it's Saturday. I'm determined to get it picked up today before our company comes over. No, not out of wanting my house to be perfect. I just wouldn't want my friends to trip over the pink suitcase and our clean underwear.

I say determined, but clearly I've been more determined to do other things because it is still sitting there.

Want to see?

That photo collage is from last night. It was all absolutely true. The Facebook/Twitter/Instagram caption went like this: Real life. The Christmas tree is still up. Clean laundry is piled in the kitchen. And the suitcase has been laying open on the floor since we got back in town Tuesday night. But, hey, we have groceries now.

As of this morning, I'm happy to report our Christmas tree is down. And, more just keepin' it real, the tree came down in pieces. Because that seemed easiest. {Our tree was crazy, wild, in case you missed it ...} Plus disassembling it allowed Greg to use an outside tool in our living room. It was like Clark Griswald met Willie Robertson.

And I'm not a failure of a mom now that the tree my son is apparently allergic to is out of the house. Whew.

Now I'm going to pick up that suitcase ...

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