Wednesday, October 16, 2013

{Guest Post} The True Timekeeper

Jen Ferguson is one of my favorite online blogging friends. I'm determined to meet her in real life some day, hopefully soon. She's real when she shares stories and prays right then and there when she says she'll pray. Her words have encouraged and blessed me. Today I'm honored to share some words from my story over at her place.

I don’t wear a watch, but I usually know what time it is. I don’t like to be late and actually prefer to be a few minutes early.

I use an alarm to wake up most mornings these days and I show up when I need to be wherever I’m going. I show up to transport kids, for appointments and commitments, to meet a friend for lunch, and to watch a friend’s kid who is my kid’s friend. I run errands and take care of household chores.

And I usually think I’m on time.

But, really, I’m not actually in charge of my time. And I’m certainly not in charge of other people’s time even though I think I am and I’d like to be.

It’s a good thing I know who is in charge of time, even when I’ve got the time wrong. Too often I rush the moment. Sometimes I wait until the last minute and have to hurry everyone along because I have a stubborn streak. And then stress escalates and time seems to speed up while others’ movements slow down.

But God’s time is perfect. He sees the whole timeline and doesn’t make mistakes with the seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, and years.

{Finish reading what God's been telling me about time at Finding Heaven Today ...}

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