Thursday, December 2, 2010


I haven't done laundry in more than a week. And I didn't plan any meals this week. Yet none of us have walked around nude and we've eaten dinner every night.

There's something to be said for letting go.

Letting go of personal perfectionist demands.

Letting go of expectations that everything that could get done will get done.

Letting go of what people may think when they look at us, or our house.

So even though I'm a wash-clothes-once-a-week and plan-meals-for-each-night kind of girl. It's been nice this week to think about other things ...

Christmas cards. The letter is written and printed. The photo cards have been delivered. Address labels have been printed. I'm still tracking down a few addresses. Stamps have been bought. And the evidence of the process is on my kitchen table.

Grocery shopping and cooking meat so Courtney and I can freezer cook tomorrow. I blogged about the grocery shopping part yesterday. Today I've cooked six chicken breasts in a crock pot, browned 3 pounds of ground beef with celery and onion, and browned 2 pounds of ground beef with onion.

Finishing up Christmas shopping. I need to evaluate, but I think I'm done shopping and ready to wrap.

Spending time with my kids. We've had some really great [ordinary] days together lately.

Putting up Christmas decorations. It's a work in progress. My mantel is decorated. My 4-foot tree is up on a small table in the living room, meaning it's out of Ben's reach ... both his hands and his mouth. But there aren't any ornaments on it yet. Those are coming.

No worries, fellow perfectionist planners. I haven't given up planning meals or washing clothes, entirely. I've just let it go for a few days, and it feel good. Despite everything going through my mind and the slightly scattered feeling I've had, I've been in a great mood. Holly put this contradictory mood of mine into perspective for me in a text today: "A good mood in spite of the craziness is reflective of inner peace."



I love my life.

Even if the loads of dirty clothes may grow bigger before I get to them.

Even if I just stare at my freezer, wondering what I should make for dinner.

Even if I have to check, and re-check, my list to make sure I'm not forgetting something.

Even if I go in and out of the driveway eight times in one day because the day is a little out of sync.

Here's to hoping you have some of that peace despite the chaos that can come with the season.


  1. Love it, my dear friend. This sums up your recent life perfectly! Love you!

  2. Thanks. I needed that today. :) BOTH of your entries were fantastic and spoke to my heart today. Love you!

  3. I loved this, Kristin. Thanks for sharing...I have had some of the same thoughts lately. So thankful for you!!
