Friday, February 1, 2013

{Five Minute Friday} Afraid

SPRING 2012. 
My boy isn't afraid of anything. Not even fish germs. When not kissing fish, he likes to jump in that lake. 

I'm participating in Five Minute Friday, a link-up writing prompt at Lisa-Jo Baker's blog. This week the prompt is "Afraid ...

I jumped off the high dive over and over again when I was a kid. I like when my husband drives fast on the jet ski while I lay on a tube attached to the back. I try to stay on, but, admittedly, being flung into the lake is fun. I even bungy jumped once.

But don't put me in front an audience and ask me to speak. When I was a kid I didn't like running into people I knew in the grocery store, so don't even get me started about strangers. I grew up and became a reporter who asked question of whoever necessary. But I still don't really even like playing Charades with friends who know the best and worst of me.

Change makes me nervous, but I'm slowly learning it's good for my soul.

I look at my kids and I'm so glad they're not afraid.

My boy isn't afraid of anything. He may only be 3, but he's been jumping off the dock into the lake and the side of the pool since he was 19 months old and I had to search for the right life jacket to properly keep his head afloat. He climbs and runs and races and jumps and sleeps on the edge of his big boy bed. He talks to anyone and I'm pretty sure he'd like to play the drums when he gets bigger.

My girl is more caution. She has to be talked into some things. But she's not afraid to tell stories to anyone she meets. She makes friends easily and lives live to the fullest.


Want to join us? Here are Lisa-Jo's rules: 1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking. 2. Link back here and invite others to join in. 3. Please visit the person who linked up before you and encourage them in their comments. That is like the one rule we all really care about. For reals.

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  1. Kristin,
    Stopping in from FMF... Change is scary, and it does make you grow... I know from personal experience. It's funny how outgoing I have been most of my life, but inside, I sometimes don't know if I'll be fearful in front of a crowd or not.
    It was great to meet yet another flashmob-writing blogger! Have a great day!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. I love your descriptions of your kids. My eldest boy is the picture of caution - sometimes to a fault. And my younger is the exact opposite; he has so little fear we used to wonder if he had any self-preservation instinct at all! :) But it is good to see them living life, isn't it? And reminding us how to do it, too.

    1. It sure is! They are the best reminders of what really matters.

  3. Hi again,
    I really meant to leave you a comment here, not on Facebook, so I will say I enjoyed stopping by.
    My Five Minute Friday

    1. Thanks for stopping by! You know, I love how kids don't even know to be afraid of fish germs!

  4. Love this. :) Especially the description of your kids...I have learned so much from my daughter, the fearless toddler of the world. (Sounds like you have one of those, too!) :) And just so you know, I think you are extremely brave for bungee jumping...I'm too afraid of heights and would completely chicken out. ;) Have a great weekend!

    1. Bungy jumping was such a crazy free-falling feeling. Sometimes I surprise myself that I did it. :)

  5. Great job. Thanks for sharing so much about yourself, as someone who doesn't sound like they like to do that very much. That was wonderful.

    1. I don't mind sharing details about myself as long as it's not from a microphone or podium. :) I'm a talker in groups and one on one. Plus this writing is my therapy! Thanks for coming by and reading!
