Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Everlasting God

Strength will rise
As we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord

Waiting is inevitable. But God will give us His strength ...

even when we're ready for the day to end because we know that His mercies are new every morning,

even when I didn't expect this season of busyness to be so hard on me, someone who thinks she's independent and strong but misses her husband when she doesn't see him for lunch and dinner in the same day,

even when I know my heart is being transformed so I can be a better wife and husband yet I don't really know what I'm waiting for.

Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our strong deliverer
You are the everlasting God

I'm not in control. God is reigning over this world,

over my life,

over my family,

over my heart,

over my schedule,

over my to-do list,

over my chores

and over my fears.

I have hope.

I am delivered.

And I have an everlasting God to thank.


And tomorrow.

I'm not certain what tomorrow will bring, but I am promised that my God will be with me.

And He'll deliver me from the temptation to be a perfectionist in my marriage,

in motherhood,

and in friendships.

And one day I'll figure out that when I let go, life is more relaxing,

filled with more surprises and fulfilled promises,

less complicated

and oh-so much more freeing.

The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary ...

I grow weary. And sometimes I believe that's God calling me to rest.

And other times it's God calling me to let go,

and let him reign over me, my heart and my life,

where He belongs,

where He promises to care about the details of my day,

where He can see the big picture and orchestrate a perfect journey for me to get to wherever I'm going from here.

And this does not make him weary

because He's everlasting.

You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles

He's my defender,

especially when I'm weary and cranky.

So maybe I should let Him defend me while I choose to rest in Him,

in His comfort,

in His promises,

in Him alone.

My husband would probably appreciate me resting with my everlasting God before I explode with my frustrations that are exaggerated because I'm frustrated with

things out of my control,

people's responses that I can't control,

moments that I wish I could do over,

and busyness that is temporary and passing.

Instead let me have a heart full of praise

because God is everlasting and He's on my side.


  1. I LOVE that song...didn't know Jeremy Camp dies it to though...only heard Chris Tomlin, will have to go find Jeremy Camps ;) Thanks for your thoughts, its weird their are times when you write things I have been trying to put into words!! MindyE

  2. thank you. this was beautiful.

  3. I found myself singing this at the top of my lungs on lunch break at the office and crying after I read your thoughts. Thankfully I am the only one here now and i can do that without embarassement. I loved it and you for writing it.

  4. That was beautiful, Kristin!
