Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dreams Can Change

When we moved 6 ½ years ago into our current house that sits right in the middle of town, I thought we’d live here forever. We live next door to Greg’s grandma, across the street from the park, and just around a couple corners from my best friend. We can walk to our favorite parade-watching spot and get most anywhere we ever go in 10 minutes.

Inside, the laundry room is right off the kitchen, there are four bedrooms which fit our family perfectly, and there’s extra space in the play room/office on the second floor and the basement living room to spread out.{It's a really great house. And it's for sale.}

But Greg has long dreamed of living on more land, where we are boxed in with neighbors (even great ones!). Adventure feels a little restricted here. We have a lake house and my mother-in-law lives on hundreds of acres, so as we spent time at those places, Greg’s dream started becoming my dream.

In recent years, it’s been one of those one-day dreams for when circumstances seemed right, the land was located in the right place, and the house suited our needs and wants.

Well, one day happened. 

Several weeks ago, we looked at 33 acres that intrigued Greg but the outing came with a disclaimer to me: “I don’t think we’ll like the house.” Greg is a real estate attorney and entrepreneur, so we’re often looking at property. I figured that’s what we were doing that Saturday morning in February.

But then we loved the house.

And the land.

And the location.

Standing there on the front porch looking out to where my boy could run free, where my husband could let his dreams take root, and where we could all five adventure together, I knew the dream had changed.

Dreams can change, you know. {Tweet that.}

I say that because I’ve been hesitant to believe that.

Sometimes dreams change so God can usher us into a deeper relationship with him. {Tweet that.} Sometimes they change so we can meet a new friend or find a new passion. Sometimes they change for reasons we never know.

But change isn’t always bad.

Again, I say that because I’ve been hesitant to believe that.

We closed on our new dream five days ago. We went out to the property, which is 10 minutes from where we currently live, two times Easter weekend. There wasn’t a single piece of furniture on the off-white carpet that is going to be removed soon, but the house was full of hope. I could see my people in the kitchen and believe that’s where we are supposed to be. The layout suits our lifestyle of doing life together.

We’re having some renovations done, but the four-wheeler has already taken my husband and big kids on treks through the woods. I have no doubt much adventure awaits because that’s the beauty of accepting dreams can change.

Two books that encouraged me to slow down, learn about God-sized Dreams, and embrace change are "Girl Meets Change" by Kristen Strong, "You're Made for a God-sized Dream" by Holley Gerth, and "Breaking Busy" by Alli Worthingon. 


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"Peace in the Process: How Adoption Built My Faith & My Family" is available on Amazon. Like me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, peek into my life on Instagram, or follow 152 Insights at Bloglovin'.

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