Monday, February 25, 2013

{Florida in February} Busch Gardens

I like amusement parks and zoos. I liked them when I was a kid. I liked them before I have kids. So I certainly like them now that I'm a momma. Busch Gardens is like an amusement park with a zoo, so, obviously, it's my kind of place. Oh, and, hey, it's in Florida.

Did I mention I loved going to Florida in February? Well, yes, I'm going to be one of those old people who spends a month {perhaps two ...} down there. I hesitate to call my future self a snowbird because, well, I live in a state that doesn't get much snow.

Busch Gardens quickly made our agenda when we decided to spend an extended weekend in Florida, where my cousin was married in a lovely beach wedding earlier this month. The amusement park was the second item of business for my kids who were geared up to see Winter.

My complaints about Busch Gardens are limited to the price of admission and the shortened winter hours. Otherwise, I loved this place. I rode a wooden roller coaster with my husband, mom and brother. And, you know, it didn't leave us feeling the effects of a jerky ride. It was a good way to start the day.

See that ship that's nearly upside down? My 9-year-old niece and 5-year-old daughter got on that with me. I was so proud of them! My niece tried to tell me she didn't liked it after the thrill sunk in and we were back on ground, but she smiled the whole time we were on it. Cate is tall for a 5 year old, but she was just at the 42-inch height requirement so her feet didn't quite touch the ground. Perhaps that added to the upside-down thrill ... and scare.

They got over it and rode a roller coaster with an upside-down loop. I think they were less scared because the upside-down-ness was much quicker than the ship that gradually goes higher as it goes back and forth and then pauses as you hang upside down.

My fearless boy was said he couldn't ride in the bumper cars {and others} and I felt sorry for him. So I bought him some cotton candy. Most of you know I'm not usually that easy. But, hey, I'd be sad if somebody told me I couldn't ride a ride. Of course, I didn't want in a bumper car and I was reminded why as I watched my 30-year-old brother aim directly for his wife and daughter dodging the strangers along the way.

Ben loved the rides he could ride, though. And, you know, I'm looking forward to the day when the four of us can spend the day riding roller coasters together. {Greg and I went to Six Flags for our sixth anniversary and were recently thinking about doing it again. Spending the day riding roller coasters is our type of fun!}

Even though her adventurous spirit is tamer than Ben's, she's still a fan of amusement parks. I preferred to capture her sweet smile and not the gems on the side of this carousel horse she wanted documented. Priorities, people.

Busch Gardens was a great place for us to spend one of our days in Florida in February. We'll have to go back again sometime. Of course, then the kids will be taller, more roller coasters will make the agenda and I'll be a little closer to becoming an official snowbird.

Read my other Florida in February posts: Dolphin Tale. The Beach. Want more? Subscribe to get "Insights" in your inbox. Like 152 Insights on Facebook. Or follow me on Twitter.

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